Submit to be featured in Seashore & Folklore Magazine.

The Poet Heroic is a small press poetry publisher and podcast curated by poet, composer, and marine biologist, Timothy Arliss OBrien.

This magazine fulfills a dream of creating a place that can collect essays, poems, photography, letters, scientific research, tales of folklore, marine scifi, film reviews, hopes of conservation, book reviews, creatures from the deep, music playlists, seashell collections, musings on lighthouses, goals of ecology, dreams of restoration, visions of aquariums, and songs of the sirens.

Check out more of our website and our social media to see the aesthetic magic we create. 

We want submissions that are creative, out-of-the-box, mythic, haunting, soothing (as only the sea can be), salty, windy, and wet.
We want to create an experience that can stoke the yearning for the sea,
and immerse the reader in our obsession with the aquatic biomes.

Unfortunately at this time, we are unable to pay our contributors.
To provide an exceptional experience to all of our audience
we have chosen not to monetize or include ads in our podcast episodes or on our website.
Publication in the magazine will include 2 free copies of the magazine and a wholesale discount
should you want to obtain more copies.

Any work submitted that is found to be racist, bigoted, hateful, and/or work that promotes gratuitous or sexual violence will not be published and may result in the writer being banned from submitting and from our socials. 
We will remove or reject work by any submitter or contributor we find to have plagiarized
or be racist, misogynistic, homophobic, ableist, or hateful in the literary community.

So please join me in the adventure of becoming a literary hero - A Poet Heroic,
and help me celebrate the sea.

Good luck with your creativity, and I hope you can find yourself as the hero in it,

Timothy Arliss OBrien.