The Clown Motel - Richard Gordon Zyne
poem read by Timothy Arliss OBrien
The Clown Motel
Richard Gordon Zyne
The Clown Motel
where life's a joke
and the laughter’s canned but real enough.
In the Bozo Suite, they make you feel at home
a red nose on your pillow
soft rubber to rest your weary head.
A basket of fresh banana peels
a gesture of good humor
slapstick luxury.
And a pitcher of seltzer
fizzing like a cheap laugh
inviting you to spray the walls
with the joy of absurdity.
Here the bed’s a tightrope
the floor a circus ring
and sleep’s a balancing act
between dreams and the ridiculous.
You check in to escape the world
and find yourself in a different kind of madness.
The night wears a painted grin
and you under the neon clown sign
feel the pull of the surreal.
A honk a giggle an endless parade
where the joke’s on everyone
and nobody really minds.